If you are a manager in a hospital or doctor’s office, your nurses will love these creative, low-cost ways to show your appreciation. They are easy to do even if you don’t have a lot of time or a budget.
National Nurses Day, which is always on May 6th, is the start of National Nurses Week.
Nurses need to constantly keep their morale high, not only for themselves, but also for their patients. When nurses are happy, calm, friendly, caring, and positive thinking, that creates an environment and an energy that is healing for the patients.
Nurses often work under physically draining and stressful conditions. Therefore, nurse managers in hospitals and doctors’ offices need to create an atmosphere where nurses are not only appreciated but also re-energized.
Here are 6 ways hospitals and doctors’ offices can celebrate National Nurses Week.
1. Decorate
Balloons create a festive atmosphere and cost very little. Crepe paper and other creative decorations will brighten everyone’s spirits and make everyone realize that National Nurses Week is important to celebrate.
2. Food
Food is always welcome. Even if nurses don’t have the time to gather together for a luncheon, a tray of delicious sandwiches, cookies, or a cake surrounded by balloons will be a hit.
3. Recognition Certificates
These show appreciation and also can be framed and displayed so they continually reinforce the value of the recipient. They can be individualized to the recipient. For example, you can recognize a nurse’s positive attitude, helping nature, enthusiasm, etc.
4. Personalized Thank You Letters
When you personalize a letter of appreciation it makes a big impact.
Write the thank you letters on decorated paper from the office supply store. Then put them in frames, and they will be constant reminders of your appreciation.
5. Gifts
Gifts don’t have to be expensive. Inexpensive gifts can also be useful, for example:
- A keyring flashlight. Nurses in hospitals often work the night shift, so a handy flashlight is very useful.
- A tee shirt or visor recognizing nurses can be proudly worn.
- A computer flash drive or other electronic gadget
- A smiley mug filled with chocolate
- Gift certificate
- Time-off coupons
6. Activities
This is an activity that doesn’t take a lot of time, and it will create excitement all during Nurses Week.
A nurse is born:
Have nurses bring in their baby photos and post them on a bulletin board, numbering each one. Then give each nurse a numbered form. During National Nurses Week, they try to match the baby picture to the nurse, writing the nurses name next to the number of the baby picture they think matches. At the end of the week, the identities are revealed.
You can find the above resources at the Employee Morale Center:
- Sample thank you letters that you can easily personalize,
- Certificates and time-off coupons you can download, and
- Hundreds of ideas for low-cost activities that boost employee morale.
Get a trial 30 day membership and full access to all morale boosters.