We proudly support Junior Achievement
Dear customers and visitors to our web site, Our nation and our world needs to develop new leaders for the future. We need innovative and creative leaders in our businesses, communities and in countries around the world. The industries of tomorrow, and the people to lead them, depend on what we do now to teach and inspire young people to entrepreneurship. Our youth will be those leaders. ConfidenceCenter.Com is striving to raise awareness that our future depends on teaching our youth leadership skills. Junior Achievement inspires students from kindergarten through high school to develop competitive skills and confidence by actually going into the schools and teaching their courses. Their success bolsters the local workforce and contributes to economic growth. To further this cause, ConfidenceCenter.com has chosen to sponsor Junior Achievement by giving a portion of our sales to JA, because they have a successful history of promoting entrepreneurship and leadership since 1920. We also chose Junior Achievement because our own leadership program, Today's Teens - Tomorrow's Leaders compliments what Junior Achievement teaches.
Please watch the video and read the letters and information below to learn more about how Junior Achievement is impacting young people. You can learn more about Junior Achievement by visiting their web site. I recently volunteered at Junior Achievement's Finance Park, a full day experiential financial education activity on budgeting - teaching teens how to budget... in the real world. You can see the photos and information from it below. It was a wonderful experience, and I recommend that your company send employees to volunteer at your local Junior Achievement chapter. Best regards, Harriet Meyerson My recent volunteer experience at the Recently I had the opportunity to see first hand what Junior Achievement is doing to foster financial success in young people. I volunteered to help at their day-long Finance Park facility in Dallas, Texas. Finance Park helps teens understand how families need to budget for a lot of different expenses. The day-long activity gives teens the opportunity to budget for a pretend family. It also helps teens understand that education is important if they want to have an income that will provide the things they want for their own future families. Most teens are amazed at the variety of needs a family has. Here are some of the photos and a brief explanation of the day's events.
"Thank You" from Junior Achievement for our 2013 donation
"Thank You" from Junior Achievement for our 2012 donation
Junior Achievement 2012 Student of the year
This video is an inspiring speech from the |
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Confidence Center
Meyerson, Founder and President
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